New Jazz Class

New Jazz Class

Redhurst Schools of Dancing is opening up Jazz to younger dancers on a Monday evening from 5.30-6.00pm

Jazz is a lively dance form associated with up to date music and dance styles such as Musical Theatre, Hip Hop, Lyrical and Contemporary. It is a more complex style requiring flexibility, strength and fitness but gives the dancer ways of exploring different movements and developing an individual style and sense of performance.

Students can join jazz from 10 years old, although it is recommended that they have had some previous dance experience. Our Modern classes on a Wednesday or Friday evening are an ideal way to gain that experience.

For further information or to book a trial lesson please email

[email protected]

We also hold classes in Ballet, Tap and Classical Greek.

For our current timetable click here

Autumn Term 2023

Autumn 2023 – 10 weeks

Autumn 2023 – 10 weeks
Monday 11th September – Saturday 2nd December
Half Term – Monday 16th October – Saturday 28th October inclusive ( 2 week


The children in exam classes last term, have moved up a grade.
Advanced 1 Greek Has moved to Tuesdays
Advanced 1 Tap is an hour therefore Grade V Tap and Adult Tap has gone back to it’s Autumn timings of 15min later.


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

3.30-4.00Pre School Ballet
4.00-4.30Reception Class Ballet
4.30-5.00Pre-Primary Ballet
5.00-5.30Primary Ballet (B)
5.30-6.00Junior Jazz
6.15-7.15Intermediate Ballet
7.15-7.45Pointe Work Class
7.45-8.30Grade V Ballet (Exam)


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

3.45-4.15Primary Ballet (A)
4.15-4.45Grade I Ballet
4.45-5.15Grade II Ballet
5.15-5.45Grade III Ballet
5.45-6.30Grade V Ballet
6.30-7.15Intermediate Greek
7.15-8.00Advanced 1 Greek


Scout Hall

3.40-4.10Primary Modern
4.10-4.40Grade 1 Modern
4.40-5.10Grade 2 Modern
5.10-5.40Grade 2 Greek
5.40-6.10Grade 2 Tap


Scout Hall

3.45-4.15Primary Tap
4.15-4.45Grade 1 Tap
4.45-5.30Grade 3 Modern
5.30-6.15Intermediate Tap
6.15-7.00Grade 5 Tap
7.00-7.45Adult Tap – Beginners & Basics
7.45-8.30Adult Tap – Experienced and Advanced


Trinity Methodist

9.00-9.45Senior Jazz
9.45-10.45Intermediate Modern
10.45-11.30Body Conditioning
11.30-12.30Grade 6 Modern
12.30-13.15Intermediate Jazz
13.15-14.15Festival / Exam Class






25th – 27th July 2024

Date Changes to term time for the King’s Coronation

Just a quick reminder regarding the changes to our term dates on Saturday 6th May which coincides with the King’s coronation and Monday 8th May which is an extra Bank Holiday.

We have no classes on these dates as we know some families will want to watch this unique event or at the very least make the most of the long weekend.

Therefore there will be NO classes on Saturday 6th May, they will be made up on Saturday 15th July.

There will be NO classes on Monday 8th May, these will be made up on Monday 10th July.

Please see our term dates here

We wish you a happy and celebratory weekend.

Image by wirestock on Freepik

Summer Term 2023

Summer 2023 – 10 weeks

Monday 24th April  – Monday 10th July
Half Term – Monday 29th – Saturday 3rd June inclusive
No classes on Monday 1st May – Bank holiday (Make up class 17th April)
No classes on Monday 8th May – Bank Holiday (Make up class 10th July)


Please note the different term dates for Monday classes


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

4.00-4.30Pre School Ballet
4.30-5.00Pre-Primary Ballet
5.00-5.30Primary Ballet (B)
5.30-6.15Intermediate Greek
6.15-7.15Intermediate Ballet
7.15-7.45Pointe Work Class
7.45-8.30Grade V Ballet


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

3.45-4.15Primary Ballet (A)
4.15-4.45Primary Ballet (Exam)
4.45-5.15Grade I Ballet
5.15-5.45Grade II Ballet
5.45-6.30Grade IV Ballet
6.30-7.00Grade IV Greek


Scout Hall

3.45-4.15Beginner’s Modern
4.15-4.45Grade 2 Tap
4.45-5.15Grade 2 Greek
5.15-5.45Grade 2 Modern


Scout Hall

3.45-4.15Beginner’s Tap
4.15-4.45Primary Tap (exam)
4.45-5.30Grade 3 Modern
5.30-6.15Grade 5 Tap (Exam)
6.15-7.00Grade 5 Tap
7.00-7.45Adult Tap – beginners & basics
7.45-8.30Adult Tap – Experienced and Advanced


Trinity Methodist

9.00-9.45Senior Jazz
9.45-10.45Intermediate Modern
10.45-11.30Body Conditioning
11.30-12.30Grade 6 Modern
12.30-13.15Intermediate Jazz




ballet, greek, tap, modern


25th – 27th July 2024

Adult Tap Classes

Whether you want a bit of fun, fitness and to learn new skills or you did tap years ago and want to brush up your existing skills; one of our adult tap class may be for you!

We have two classes both held at Moat Road Scout Hall on a Friday Night.

Beginners and Basics: 7.00-7.45pm
Improvers and Advanced: 7.45-8.30pm

Email us for details

[email protected]

Redhurst Awards 2021-22

We have a marvellous afternoon on Saturday 4th February. Many of our dancers were in attendance. We would like to congratulate each and every one of our students. This is our first presentation afternoon since the pandemic and it is so lovely to be able to celebrate our students acheivements.

We are extremely proud of all our students, regardless whether they won trophies or not.

Ballet Cups and Awards

for the most progress

Baby BalletRylee Rickets
4 Years BalletHarriet Pond and Kaitlyn Shaw
Pre-Primary BalletIsobel Churton-Sharp & Eilidh Fernandez
Primary BalletIvy Tristram
Grade I BalletSienna Maddox
Grade II BalletPhilippa Roach
Grade IV BalletEffie Foster
Grade V BalletHarriet Fanner
Senior BalletGeorgia Kewell
Pointe WorkMillie Coombs

Tap Cups and Awards

for the most progress

Beginners TapLilah Saunders
Grade II TapRobyn Foster
Grade IV TapMillie Coombs & Violet Wallis
Grade V TapSophie Wells
Senior TapNatalie Edwards

Classical Greek Cups and Awards

for the most progress

Junior GreekEva Poole
Intermediate Greek Rachel Hones
Senior GreekEvie Slack

Modern Cups and Awards

for the most progress

Grade II ModernAbigail Fowkes & Orla Phillips
Grade III ModernLily Beckett & Zoe Hodder
Grade IV/V ModernLucy Barber
Grade V/VI ModernTalia Valles
Senior ModernJessica Birmingham

Jazz Awards

for the most progress

Junior JazzJessica Jenkins
Intermediate JazzKatrina Mutimba
Senior JazzAnnie Pinder

Musical Theatre Awards

Musical TheatreElyssa Miller-Jones
SingingCharlie Stripp

Special Cups and Awards

Junior Neatness AwardFlorence and Olivier Currer
Senior Neatness AwardSophie Wells
Musicality AwardEvie Slack
Expressive AwardRosa Stripp
Junior Personality AwardKeelie Walsom
Senior Personality AwardElena Loach
Junior Performance AwardOakley Tancred
Senior Performance AwardDarcie Bennett
Junior BoysOakley Tancred
Senior BoysCharlie Stripp

Adult EffortLeanne Barber & Helen Kewell

Festival Cup

Awarded to the Solo or Duet that gained the highest mark in all Festivals entered this past yearViolet Wallis and Sophie Wells (both 84)

Most Promising Pupil

11yrs and underLouisa Eyre
12yrs and overSophia Ally

Endeavour Cup

Awarded to the pupil who consistently strives to achieve the best they can at all times.

Junior Endeavour Cup Maisie Lansdown
Senior Endeavour CupOlivia Ody

Redhurst Head Girl – Georgia Kewell

We would also like to thank our fundraising committee worked very hard behind the scenes to ensure everything ran smoothly, our chaperones who took care of the children at the side of stage, Amanda Pinder who baked an array of wonderful cakes and everyone who donated raffle prizes.

We managed to raise in the region of £700 towards the showfund. A great afternoon all round.

Some of our Winners !!!

Spring Term 2023

Spring 2023 – 10 weeks

Monday 9th January – Saturday 25th March inclusive
Half Term – Monday 13th – Saturday 18th February


Friday 6th January : make-up lessons for Friday classes.
Saturday 9th February: Showcase and Presentation Afternoon


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

3.30-4.00Pre School Ballet (3-4yrs)
4.00-4.30Pre- Primary Ballet (4-5yrs approx)
4.30-5.00Pre-Primary Ballet class 1 (5-6yrs approx)
5.00-5.30Primary Ballet class 2
5.30-6.15Intermediate Greek
6.15-7.15Intermediate Ballet
7.15-7.45Pointe Work Class
7.45-8.30Grade V Ballet


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

3.45-4.15Primary Ballet class 1
4.15-4.45Grade II Ballet
4.45-5.15Grade I Ballet
5.15-6.00Grade IV Ballet
6.00-6.30Grade IV Greek


Scout Hall

4.00-4.30Grade 2 Greek
4.30-5.00Grade 2 Tap
5.00-5.30Grade 2 Modern


Scout Hall

3.45-4.15Beginner’s Tap
4.15-5.00Grade 3 Modern
5.00-5.45Young Performers
5.45-6.30Grade 5 Tap
6.30-7.15Grade 4 Tap
7.15-8.00Adult Tap – beginners & basics
8.00-8.45Adult Tap – Experienced and Advanced


Trinity Methodist

9.00-9.45Senior Jazz
9.45-10.45Grade 6 Modern
10.45-11.30Body Conditioning
11.30-12.30Grade 5 Modern
12.30-13.15Intermediate Jazz


Showcase and Presentation Afternoon – Saturday 4th February.






25th – 27th July 2024

Autumn Term 2022

Autumn 2022 – 10 weeks

Monday 12th September – Saturday 3rd December
Half Term – Monday 17th October – Saturday 29th October inclusive ( 2 weeks)


We revert back to the Pre Show timetable. Some classes will have changed times and some children will have moved up. You will be informed soon if this is the case.
If you would like to join us or trial another genre please get in touch.

email: [email protected]


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

3.30-4.00Pre School Ballet (3-4yrs)
4.00-4.30Pre- Primary Ballet (4-5yrs approx)
4.30-5.00Pre-Primary Ballet class 1 (5-6yrs approx)
5.00-5.30Primary Ballet class 2
5.30-6.15Intermediate Greek
6.15-7.15Intermediate Ballet
7.15-7.45Pointe Work Class
7.45-8.30Grade V Ballet


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

3.45-4.15Primary Ballet class 1
4.15-4.45Grade II Ballet
4.45-5.15Grade I Ballet
5.15-6.00Grade IV Ballet
6.00-6.30Grade IV Greek


Scout Hall – until 6th May

4.00-4.30Grade 2 Greek
4.30-5.00Grade 2 Tap


Scout Hall

3.45-4.15Beginner’s Tap
4.15-5.00Grade 3 Modern
5.00-5.45Young Performers – ***New format
5.45-6.30Grade 5 Tap
6.30-7.15Grade 4 Tap
7.15-8.00Adult Tap – beginners and experienced tappers welcome *** New Class


Trinity Methodist

9.00-9.45Senior Jazz
9.45-10.45Grade 6 Modern
10.45-11.30Body Conditioning
11.30-12.30Grade 5 Modern
12.30-13.15Intermediate Jazz








25th – 27th July 2024

Summer Term 2022

Summer 2022 – 9 / 10 weeks

Friday 22nd April – Wednesday 6th July (schools start back on the 25th)
Half Term – Monday 30th – Saturday 4th June inclusive
No classes on Monday 2nd May – Bank holiday (this will be a 9 week term)


We have changed the classes around for this term in preparation for the show!

Please check carefully, your child may have two classes to attend in they are taking an exam.


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

4.00-4.30Pre School Ballet (Show)
4.30-5.00Pre-Primary Ballet class 1 (Show)
5.00-5.30Pre-Primary Ballet class 2 (Show)
5.30-6.00Primary Ballet (Show)
6.15-7.15Ballet Technique Class
7.15-8.00Inter and Adv 1 Ballet (Show)
8.00-8.30Pointe Work Class


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

4.00-4.30Grade II Ballet (Show)
4.30-5.00Grade I Ballet (Show)
5.00-5.45Grade I and 4 Greek (Show)
5.45-6.30Grade IV and V Ballet (Show)
6.30-7.15Inter and Senior Greek (Show)
7.15-8.15Leaver’s Dance / Finale (Show)


Scout Hall – until 6th May

3.45-4.15Grade 1 Tap (Exam)
4.15-4.45Grade 1 Greek (Exam)
4.45-5.15Grade 2 Modern (Exam)
5.00-6.00Finale (after 6th May) (Show)


Scout Hall

3.45-4.30Beginner’s and Grade 1 Tap (Show)
4.30-5.15Grade 2 Modern (Show)
5.15-6.00Musical Theatre
6.00-6.45Grade 4 and 5 Tap (Show)
6.45-7.30Intermediate Tap (Exam) – until 29th April


Scout Hall

8.45-9.30Inter and Advanced 2 Tap (Show)


Trinity Methodist

9.45-10.30Senior and Grade 6 Modern (Show)
10.30-11.30Senior and Inter Jazz (Show)
11.30-12.15Grade 6 Modern (Exam)
12.15-13.00Body Conditioning
13.00-13.45Grade 5 Modern (Exam)
13.45-14.30Grade 5 Modern and Junior Jazz (Show)




Grade 2 Modern
Grade 1 Tap
Grade 1 Greek
Intermediate Tap


Proposed Beckenham (Autumn Term)


9th July 2022
The Hawth Theatre Crawley
Rehearsal Schedule and more information coming soon.

Timetable: Spring Term 2022

We hope to continue running live classes during the Spring term at Trinity Methodist Church and The Scout Hall


Monday 10th January – Saturday 26th March inclusive
Half Term – Monday 21st – Saturday 26th February


We have changed the classes around for this half term in preparation for the show!

Please check carefully, your child may have two classes to attend in they are taking an exam.


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

3.30-4.00Pre School Ballet
4.00-4.30Pre-Primary Ballet class 1
4.30-5.00Pre-Primary Ballet class 2
5.00-5.30Primary Ballet
5.30-6.15Intermediate Greek
6.15-7.15Ballet Technique Class
7.15-7.45Inter and Adv 1 Ballet (Show)
7.45-8.30Pointe Work Class


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

3.45-4.15Grade 2 Modern (Exam)
4.15-4.45Grade II Ballet
4.45-5.15Grade I Ballet
5.15-6.00Grade I and 4 Greek (Show)
6.00-6.45Grade IV and V Ballet
6.45-7.30Senior Greek
7.30-8.00Leaver’s Dance


Scout Hall

3.45-4.15Grade 1 Tap (Exam)
4.15-4.45Grade 1 Greek (Exam)


Scout Hall

3.45-4.30 Beginner’s and Grade 1 Tap (Show) 
4.30-5.00 Grade 2 Modern (Show)
5.00-6.00 Intermediate Tap (Exam)
6.00-6.45 Musical Theatre
6.45-7.30 Grade 4 and 5 Tap (show)


Scout Hall

8.45-9.30 Inter and  Advanced 2 Tap (Show)

Trinity Methodist Church Hall

9.45-11.30 Senior Jazz / Inter Jazz / Advanced 1 Modern
11.30-12.15 Grade 6 Modern
12-15-13.00 Body Conditioning
13.00-13.45 Grade 5 Modern
13.45-14.30 Grade 5 Modern / Junior Jazz


Easter Raffle – email sent

Exam Dates: 25th March

Grade 2 Modern
Grade 1 Tap
Grade 1 Greek
Intermediate Tap

Proposed Beckenham (Autumn Term)

9th July 2022 Hawth Theatre Crawley – rehearsal schedule and more information coming soon.