Thank you and a reminder that watching week starts Tuesday!


Thank you very much to all those who supported the Showcase and Presentation Day yesterday, all the teachers, wonderful ladies who helped with the refreshments, door and raffle, my amazing chaperones and also all those who provided cakes and raffle prizes, it is truly appreciated.


The children were marvellous as usual and you can find a list of cup winners here


Thank you also to those who supported our Fancy Dress fundraiser last week! The money raised will go into our Showfund.


Fancy dress 2Fancy dress


Just a quick reminder that from Tuesday 5th through to Monday 11th are our ‘watching week’ sessions.

Parents of students grade 3 and below are invited to come and watch the lesson.


I look forward to seeing you there.

Many thanks

Miss Kay






Showcase and Presentation Evening 2016

Saturday 2nd July at 5.30pm

We are really looking forward to the Showcase and Presentation Evening on Saturday Brambletye School Theatre Lewes Road. It will commence at 5.30pm. Limited parking will be available although the Pre-Prep should be empty.


If your child is performing, there will be a rehearsal/run through at the Theatre at 4.30 prior to the performance at 5.30pm. Please can they come dressed in their correct uniform with their hair in a neat ballet bun, if you are struggling with this there may be someone to help at the theatre where you arrive? If they are in 2 dances or more please bring uniform/costume in a ballet bag or small box as for show!


The children will be provided with a drink & biscuits between rehearsal & performance so they should not require extra food – A good lunch will be essential! Please let Chaperones know if they have allergies & provide alternatives.


Outstanding cups MUST be returned as soon as possible else there will be some VERY disappointed children!


Entrance to watch the Showcase will be £5 per adult (Children free)and there will be Tea & Cakes and a Raffle in the interval. This is to cover the cost of the theatre and any profit will go into the Show Fund for next year.


Thank you to those who have offered to help, obviously the more helpers the merrier, so if you are happy to help please step forward. Could I also ask for donations of cakes (homemade or shop bought) and raffle prizes.


Our Presentations should conclude no later than 7.30pm, all being well. I’m sure it will be a most enjoyable and successful evening as we celebrate the pupils great achievements from this last academic year!


Thank you in advance for your support, looking forward to seeing you there!


Kindest regards,


Kay Ball


One of our pupils in BBCs ‘Taking the Next Step’.

In case you haven’t heard… one of Redhurst’s pupils Erin Dallas is currently one of the featured dancers in CBBC’s ‘Taking the Next Step’.

Erin has been dancing at Redhurst School of Dancing for many years and regularly takes part in dance festivals up and down the country, recently being judged the overall dance winner and premier winner at the Janet Cram finals last month!

We are very proud of her. She, and many of our other amazingly talented dancers will be performing in our Showcase on Saturday 2nd July.

Read an article about her in the East Grinstead Courier this week.

Timetable – Autumn 2016

Please note that due to Miss Jodie’s promotion at Brit she cannot now teach at Redhurst on Friday evenings. Therefore her classes have been moved to Saturdays which results in slight changes to the timetable.

Each of the classes due to take their exams in the next few weeks will go up a grade.

There will be a Classical Festival Class on a Friday and a Theatre Festival Class on a Saturday. Those who take part part in festivals may be required at some or all of these classes so must be available if required.

You can download and/or print this timetable by clicking here Class Timetable Autumn 2016 bw


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

4.00-4.30 Baby Ballet
4.30-5.00 Pre-Primary Ballet
5.00-5.45 Grade IV Ballet
5.45-6.45 Senior Ballet
6.45-7.15 Pointe Work Class


Trinity Methodist Church Hall

3.45-4.15 Primary Ballet
4.15-4.45  Grade I Ballet
4.45-5.30 Grade II Ballet
5.30-6.15 Grade III Ballet
6.15-7.00 Level V Ballet


Scout Hall

3.45-4.15 Primary Tap
4.15-4.45 Grade I Tap
4.45-5.30 Grade III Tap
5.30-6.15 Advanced 1 Tap


Scout Hall

4.00-4.45 Advanced I Greek
4.45-5.30 Intermediate Tap
5.30-6.15 Intermediate Greek
6.15-7.15 Classical Festival Class


Trinity Methodist Church – Upstairs Hall

9.00-10.00 Intermediate Jazz
10.00-10.45 Junior Jazz
11.00-12.00 Senior jazz
12.00-1.00 Advanced I Modern
1.00-2.00 Grade V Modern
2.00-2.30 Body Conditioning
2.30-3.30 Theatre Festival Class

 Trinity Methodist Church – Downstairs Hall

9.00 – 10.00  Intermediate Ballet
10.00-11.00 Grade V Ballet
11.00-11.45 Inter-foundation Greek
11.45-12.15 Grade I Greek
12.15-12.45 Grade I Modern
12.45-1.30 Grade III Modern
1.30-2.15 Grade III Greek

Presentation Evening



Saturday 2nd July 2016– 5.30pm

Brambletye School Theatre



As this year is a non- show year we will be presenting our usual “Showcase” of the Schools Festival work and a few other specially chosen pieces from classes and the various genres we have within our curriculum. This will take place at Brambletye School Theatre Lewes Road commencing at 5.30pm with an Interval at approx 6.15pm for Tea & Cakes and a Raffle (provided by my terrific parent supporters as part of our Fund Raising for the Show 2017. If anyone can help the “A” Team on the day or make cakes please let me know). This will then be followed by the rest of our 2016 Prize Giving.


Cups & Awards

For those parents who are not familiar with our Prize Giving, there is an award for 1 child in every class, who the teachers and I consider have made the most “Progress” throughout the past academic year. There are also Special Awards for Neatness, Musicality, Personality, Expression and even Theory! I do hope that as many of you as possible will attend to support and applaud those children who have been successful.


If you received a cup last time please can you return them clean no later than Saturday 25th June. If you are unsure there is a list of those pupils who won awards here and I will be reminding them personally.


Please see over for the Classes/Festival pieces I would like to take part, if your child is willing to participate, complete this form and return to me next week so I can confirm numbers. There will be a rehearsal/run through at the Theatre at 4.30 prior to the performance at 5.30pm.


Our Presentations should conclude no later than 7.30pm, all being well. I’m sure it will be a most enjoyable and successful evening as we celebrate the pupils great achievements from this last academic year!


Thank you in advance for your support, looking forward to seeing you there!


Kindest regards,

Kay Ball



Baby Ballet – 4.00 Mondays

Grade 1 Ballet – 4.15 Tuesday

Georgia Kewell – Ballet Solo

Michaela Barshell-Wheeler – Ballet Solo



Grade 1 Tap – 4.15 Wednesday

Grade 3 Tap – 4.45 Wednesday

Advanced 2 Tap – Friday 5.30-6.15



Grade 1 Modern – Saturday 12.15

Junior Quartet – Sophia Ally, Darcie Bennett, Ellie Louis & Paige Simpson

Duet – Ellie House & Jessica Mitchell

Erin Dallas – Solo



Junior Group

Alicia Ally – Solo

Grace Stroud – Solo


Musical Theatre

Class – 11.45 Saturday

Summer Term

Hello there,

We hope that you have had an amazing Easter.

Please can we remind you that the new term starts on Monday 18th April.

(There will be make up classes for the Friday Classes that were postponed last term due to the Scout Jumble Sale on Friday 15th April at their usual time).

Please double check the times of your classes, some invoices showed incorrect times.

You can find the correct times by clicking this link.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Miss Kay