Redhurst – A Ruby Celebration

The Hawth Theatre, Crawley

27th July 204, 2.30 and 7.00pm.

We hope that you enjoyed the show! We were very proud of our Ruby Celebration (40 years) and were thrilled to receive such positive feedback.

Showcasing over 100 of our talented students including some of our adult tappers!

Photos are available from

The DVD is available from

There are programmes still available – Buy one get one free! Grab a piece of history. Email [email protected] to purchase

Showcase and Awards Afternoon 2023

We are really looking forward to the Showcase and Award Presentations and we hope that you are too.

Venue:           Haven Centre, Hophurst Lane Crawley Down RH10 4LJ. 

Date:              Saturday 4th February

Event Time:    4.00pm.- 6.00pm 

A letter with more detailed timings has been sent to those involved.

The ticket link has now expired – if you would like to come you need to apply directly to [email protected]. NO extra tickets will be available on the door. Apologies.

Payment for the tickets must be cash or cheque made payable to Redhurst Schools of Dancing SHOW FUND.

Doors will open at 3.30pm to allow time to check tickets and for you to take your seats. Any profit goes into the Show Fund for the Show in 2024.

Don’t forget to bring some cash for raffle tickets, we have some really amazing prizes which have been generously donated.

Our Presentations should conclude no later than 6.00pm, all being well. I’m sure it will be a most enjoyable and successful afternoon as we celebrate the pupil’s great achievements from this last academic year!

Thank you in advance for your support, we are looking forward to seeing you there!

Showcase & Presentation of Cups & Awards 2019

We would cordially like to invite you to the Redhurst annual Presentation Afternoon, which this year will be held at the Jubilee Community Centre, Charleswood Road, on Saturday 23rd November between 4.00 and 6.30pm.

You will have received more details via email by now. We hope that many of you will come and support the dancers on the day. In the meantime, we ask five things.

1. That you keep the date/time free, this is always a lovely afternoon, the children love getting together and seeing what they have learnt, it is lovely that all our students and parents have the opportunity to mix and celebrate our children’s achievements.

2. We ask that all trophies that were presented last year are to be returned as soon as possible in a clean condition.

3. Anyone inspired by the recent ‘Great British Bake Off’ please grab your apron and mixing bowl, we will be serving an afternoon tea and any cake donations will be very gratefully received. Don’t start baking just yet, we don’t require your creations until the 16th. Bringing cakes along on the day will be perfect, but if you definitely know you can do some baking, please let us now so that we can relax.

4. Raffle: with every event there is an obligatory raffle. Any donations will be gratefully received. Any profit that we make from the afternoon will be poured straight into show fund so that we keep the costs of the next show as low as possible. You can drop raffle prizes off at class or email [email protected] for other drop-off points. We also need one or two to help organise the raffle, gather the prizes together, make up hampers if appropriate and help on the day. If you think you can help, please contact us.

5. If you would like to volunteer for this or any other event please let us know. We are a small group trying to achieve big things. Simply get in touch.

Praise for Dance Vortex

Dear All,

Huge congratulations on a really fantastic show – all the students and children were amazing!

I, Miss Jodie, Mrs Prime and Miss Donna are so very proud of you all and we have had some fabulous feedback and compliments (some of which are below).

A sincere thank you also to out wonderful Backstage Crew and Chaperones, you went above and beyond, the teachers and I could not have done it without you.

I hope you all have a lovely summer holiday and I shall see you in September.

Love and Kisses,

Miss Kay

Hi, Just wanted to say a massive well done to all the dancers, teachers, chaperones and yourself – the show was amazing!!!  It was lovely to see Isabelle dance with confidence and she said today she could do it all again – the buzz she got from it was amazing. Thank you all again. Caroline x

Well done, congratulations and a massive thank you for all your hard work. Such a fabulous show, the best yet!! Love Lisa xxx

Wow! The show was AMAZING!! You should all be very proud! Emma x

To everyone at Redhurst, Before the glow of the show fades I wanted to send an email to everyone at Redhurst towers to say thank you, thank you, thank you for planning, creating and producing such an amazing show which showcased the children in such a special way. I can see, from my very small part in it, the hours of work you all put in and I wanted to say it does not go unnoticed or unappreciated by parents or children. We feel quite bereft this morning that it is all over and don’t really know what to do with ourselves! Thanks again and I hope you all get at least some time to rest over the summer break! Helen x

Dear All, Thank you so much for putting on such an amazing show.  It was so special, slick, sharp and skilful. Marc’s parents watched last night and loved it so much booked this morning to come back again tonight. They thought it wouldn’t look out of place on the West End and I agree. Massive thanks to all the backstage helpers who did an amazing job – it all ran like clockwork (as far as I could tell!),  Enjoy a long, relaxing glass of wine and summer!
Huge thanks and much love, Vicki xxx

To Kay and everyone at Redhurst, I went to the show yesterday evening and I was so impressed. Well done to everyone involved – the students and teachers did a fantastic job. Thank you for giving Zoe the opportunity to be part of the show. She has really enjoyed the experience. All the best Catherine

The show was the best I’ve seen so far in my Redhurst history… Karen

Thank you all, Lucy thoroughly enjoyed being part of the show, wishing you all a lovely summer. Leanne

Thank you to all the staff at Redhurst, Sophia and Liv LOVED being a part of this fantastic show and experience. As a chaperone, I also had a ball and got to meet some really lovely people. All three of us feel on a ‘low’ since the show but have the best memories. Looking forward to a new year of dance have a lovely and restful summer xx Maria

I must say I have been around for a few shows now, and this was the most enjoyable and least stressful I can remember. I don’t want to mention names in case I miss anyone out! Thank you all for giving out kids this amazing and fantastic experience that they will always remember xx – Katy

I would like to thank Miss Kay, our teachers, my Vortex Angels (the amazing chaperones) and of course the wonderful dancers. At The Hawth today I have had lots of compliments about how good the show was from the ushers and technical staff. They see a LOT of shows so be proud, be very proud. Sam xxxx

I would like to add my congratulations and thanks to those you have already received. The show was stunning and Florence enjoyed her first experience on stage very much indeed! Ruth

It was an absolutely fabulous show – all the dances and costumes were so beautifully put together and a real joy to watch. Certainly both my girls had a brilliant time and Hannah could not have asked to have been a part of something so superb for her last show. We can’t wait for the DVD and photos! Miss Kay, Miss Jodie, Mrs Prime, Miss Donna, Sam and all the parents who helped with the costumes, props etc created a masterpiece – well done and thank you. Carolyn x

I have been meaning to email you both to thank you on what a great experience my daughters had rehearsing and taking part in the show. They really enjoyed the whole thing and it was great to see a few friendships developing between girls who aren’t at school together.

I have a friend who is 18 and she came to watch both evenings and bought her brothers back for the second evening! Another friend said how professional she thought the whole show was. Helen





Dance Vortex T-Shirts and Redhurst Hoodies

Show T-Shirts

As a souvenir of our dance show, t-shirts are now available to order.

Dance Vortex T-Shirt Order Form

T-shirts are available in black or purple with white show logo and made of traditional 100% cotton with a round-neck

Children’s sizes are £10.00 and Adults sizes are £12.00

Most of the children like to wear their t-shirts over their costumes during rehearsals and they form part of their uniform in some subjects during lessons.

Deadline: 24th June.

Chaperone’s T-Shirts

We can also order black t-shirts for Licenced Chaperones (for those who have/will be getting their licence) – these are not compulsory to purchase or wear. The cost for these are £10.00.  These are also on the Dance Vortex T-Shirt Order Form


Redhurst Hoodies

We shall also be putting in an order for Redhurst Hoodies this weekend.

These come in Black or Blue and sizes can be viewed on our Redhurst Uniform Form.

Please email all requirements and you will be invoiced accordingly.


Deadline: 24th June.


Payment can be made by enclosing a cheque with your order form made payable to

Redhurst Schools of Dancing SHOW FUND.



Chaperones Rota

We are currently putting together our chaperones rota.

If you are a licenced chaperone we desperately need you to get involved.

If you haven’t been sent your preferences form please contact [email protected] as soon as possible.

ALL performances need covering needing about 25 chaperones per performance (depending on the dressing room split). Please be flexible. At the moment we need the most help on the evening performances, especially the Wednesday evening performance (26th), of course this may change – we will keep you posted.

Many thanks.