Dance Vortex T-Shirts and Redhurst Hoodies

Show T-Shirts

As a souvenir of our dance show, t-shirts are now available to order.

Dance Vortex T-Shirt Order Form

T-shirts are available in black or purple with white show logo and made of traditional 100% cotton with a round-neck

Children’s sizes are £10.00 and Adults sizes are £12.00

Most of the children like to wear their t-shirts over their costumes during rehearsals and they form part of their uniform in some subjects during lessons.

Deadline: 24th June.

Chaperone’s T-Shirts

We can also order black t-shirts for Licenced Chaperones (for those who have/will be getting their licence) – these are not compulsory to purchase or wear. The cost for these are £10.00.  These are also on the Dance Vortex T-Shirt Order Form


Redhurst Hoodies

We shall also be putting in an order for Redhurst Hoodies this weekend.

These come in Black or Blue and sizes can be viewed on our Redhurst Uniform Form.

Please email all requirements and you will be invoiced accordingly.


Deadline: 24th June.


Payment can be made by enclosing a cheque with your order form made payable to

Redhurst Schools of Dancing SHOW FUND.